Monday, September 8, 2008

The Confirming Swim

Today, I went to the Y to swim. I've been doing all of my swim training in my sister-in-law's pool, with the exception of a few open water swims. (Thank you so much, Ann and Robin!) From one end to the other and back is 74 feet, so say 25 yards.

But I just wanted to make absolutely sure that I had not calculated that all wrong somehow. It would be a very Lora-thing to calculate my distance, only to have later realized I forgot to add something to my equation and I had been swimming less (or more) than I thought all of that time.

So, I wanted to get a precise measurement. My awesome friend Becky let me in to the pool today. She's the aquatics director at the Y. Thank you, Becky!

Turns out, it was very consistent with what I'd been swimming. I remember back in December when I was taking a competitive swimming class with Becky, struggling to even get to 100. Today, I did 900 and I could have done more if I wanted.

Fact #1: I can swim 900 yards.

Fact #2: I can swim 900 yards without killing myself if I just relax and take it easy.

Fact #3: It is critical to keep Fact #2 in mind at my tri Sunday.

My new facts of life are pretty cool indeed.

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