Just because I can burn 500-600 calories in an hour biking or running, doesn’t mean that I can eat whatever I want. I could eat just cake all day and still not go over my maximum calories, but what I ate will not have given my body what it needs to function at its best.
The suggested ratio of carbs to protein to fat for triathletes in training is approximately 40% - 35% - 25%. I consume so many carbs that that percentage runs around 75% of what I eat. I have managed to begin to eat foods with a higher protein to fat ratio, but I still need to bring down the carbs.
I use caloriecount.about.com to log my food and it compiles this data into a lovely pie graph for me to see this particular ratio.
Just because I can burn 500-600 calories in an hour biking or running, doesn’t mean that I can eat whatever I want. I could eat just cake all day and still not go over my maximum calories, but what I ate will not have given my body what it needs to function at its best.
The suggested ratio of carbs to protein to fat for triathletes in training is approximately 40% - 35% - 25%. I consume so many carbs that that percentage runs around 75% of what I eat. I have managed to begin to eat foods with a higher protein to fat ratio, but I still need to bring down the carbs.
I use caloriecount.about.com to log my food and it compiles this data into a lovely pie graph for me to see this particular ratio.
I did a little here and there last year, but I had no commitment to it. With all the phy

I’ve been doing it at least two to three times a week since December, and I can already feel that I’m not as wimpy, especially during my runs.
Last season was just about having the endurance to make the distances. I just trained whenever I felt like it - which was still 5-6 days a week - but I really had no goals other than reaching the distance.
This season, because I’m training for a Half-Ironman and training properly is more critical with a longer distance tri, my days will be planned out for me with a plan from Beginner Triathlete.
I’ve already witnessed the benefits of laid-out plans. The last three weeks I’ve met all of my appointments for my 8-week 10K and my 6-week swimming plans. If I was not following these plans, Mr. Random would have been my coach and less benefits would I be receiving.
I actually enjoy stretching, so skimping on it last season doesn’t compute. Since I’ve started this 10K running program three weeks ago, I’ve really made an effort to spend at least five minutes - sometimes more - after every run stretching really well. I’ve paid particular attention to my calves and hamstrings where I’m usually sore the most.
The results? Hardly sore at all.
When I began training for my first tri season (2008), I just wanted to cross the finish line. I read a lot of information and picked the rules I thought were best, but also convenient, such as increasing distance 10% each week, taking rest days, getting fitted for a proper pair of running shoes, etc.
However, because I picked and chose at my convenience, I also ignored some other pretty important ones – and I saw the consequences.
Now that I’m getting more serious about the length and intensity of my training, it’s time to go back to everything I’ve learned and not just follow the advice that is only convenient for me.
Thanks, as always, for stopping by my blog. Have a blessed day.
I need to work on the eating as well. I just get so hungry :)
Way to go on the strength training.
Yes, I know what you mean about the strength training and the healthier eating, my two big goals this year as well. Great goals!!
Ditto Lora! I thought I was the only one with Mr. Random as a coach. :-) I put in the hours & had general goals, but like you, this season is a lot more specific & focused. Keep up the great work!!!
You are inspiring me to put down the salt & vinegar potato chips. It's hard to cut down on carbs. They taste so good.
Great post! Stretching really is wonderful, isn't it?!
Great post!! Your goals definitely echo many of my own, including the eating. What's the point of the hours of training if what we fuel ourselves with is junk?
I was eating way too many carbs too. I am on the right track now. It sounds like you are, too. Good luck. I can't wait to see what the season holds for us!
Protein? Bleh. I eat 100% CARBS!
And I need to work on the stretching thing also. I can barely move after a 5-mile run today.
Strength training & Stretching is what I learned in 08' It totally changed my perspective in training.
Nutrition is so huge when training for an endurance event. Whenever you want something, think FUEL...is this fuel going to get me through my next workout? Have some salty chips or a treat right after a workout but for main meals, got to go with the good stuff. It'll only help you in your next workout that's probably 12 hours away!
I need to take a lesson from you and stick to a plan. With so much travel, it is tough but all the more important.
Keep up the great posts.
Excellent points! The eating thing is so important to balance. I think many athletes go there, and overeat thinking they exercise so it's ok. I made cookies last night, so this is especially relevant...
Me too on the eating smarter. It's so hard for me to get enough protein as I don't eat much meat or dairy products. Always having to think about what I'm eating and the proper C-P-F ratios now. Luckily, I like peanut butter now.
And, yes, strength training and stretching are things I haven't done much of until recently but make a huge difference. Keep up the good work!
Great calorie counter! I have been looking for one and this one is great :-)
nice blog you wrote, if you need any advice shoot me a line. Not saying I know everything, but if I don't know someone who does.
Gotta have a plan...failing to plan is simply planning to fail!
Gah, I need to start strength training again. And stop eating the m&ms on my coworkers desk. and the mini reeses in her jar... eeps.
Excellent post.
I have always felt that everyone can squeeze a little more out of their training plan with just a little organization.
Little harder on the short days maybe, little easier on the long days. Rest and recovery in the right places.
Sounds like you are on your way to an excellent second season.
I've been trying to pay more attention to my ration of carbs/proteins, etc. I think it's really overwhelming. I'll have to check out that site, thanks!
Great blog! I seriously need to get a schedule going since I'm registered to do my first sprint tri in June.
great post - I also need to work on my eating, but I have the opposite problem. Most of mine foods seem to be protiens. I need to add more carbs.
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