So, my Half-Ironman training plan doesn’t begin until the end of April, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not training.
Just to give myself some type of schedule between now and then, I’m doing a 10K plan, a swimming plan and a pushup challenge during this time. Now that I have my new road bike and the weather’s warming up, I suspect I’ll be out on the road more, too.
As things stand, I just completed week 2/8 of the 10K plan, week 1/6 of the swimming plan and week 3/6 for the Hundred Pushups Challenge.
I’m particularly excited about the running plan. It’s really given me the push I need to just get out the door and run. My long slow distance run was today and I enjoyed just taking my time covering the 3.5 mile distance.
There was a little bit of drizzle when I started the run, and I turned around after a few seconds and came back home. I told Gary, “I know it’s just sprinkling, but after many minutes of this I’m just going to be soaked.”
He just chuckled and said, “Do whatever you think is best.” I realized that we both thought I was being absurd, but I was hopeful the rain would disappear. I did a load of dishes.
After a while, the thought of allowing myself off the hook with such a lousy excuse made me ashamed. I decided that no matter how much it was sprinkling, I was going to get it done...so I did. Luckily, the sprinkles had subsided for about 90% of my run so it ended up not even being a problem.
I bring this up because if I didn’t have this plan to keep me committed, I would have done one of three things: 1) I still might have run, but I would have cut the distance short; 2) I would have gone to the Y and broken up the distance between the treadmill and the track, but still may have been tempted to cut it short or 3) I just wouldn’t have run.
This past week was a week of personal records as well. I ran the first mile of my 2-mile run this week in 7 minutes and 40 seconds. I have never run that anywhere near the 8-minute mark, so to go under 8 minutes was a great surprise and an incredible treat.
I also shaved off approximately 2 minutes off my 400 yard distance in the pool on Wednesday. I average around 12:30 for that distance and I finished it in around 10:30.
I took my new bike out for a real ride yesterday. I was planning on going 12-24 miles, but the 20 mph crosswinds were blowing me into traffic and it really wasn’t safe, so I cut it short and went 9 miles.
Even with that in mind, I was able to up my average speed to 15.5 mph, instead of that 12 mph that seems to have gotten more attached to me than I to it.
So, having a schedule is proving to be quite the asset for my training. I just need to practice this habit of commitment the next few weeks before the Half-Iron training begins, so giving in to the excuses becomes harder as consistent training becomes critical.
Thanks, as always, for stopping by and reading about my training journeys.
Wow!! Your run time is phenomenal!! Your swim is amazing!! I love reading about your motivation and successes.
Sounds like you are right on track. Congratulations!!
Thanks, Jannah. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Of course, I think a good tail wind helped out that first mile on the run, but I'll take it!
Thanks for the encouragement, Bob!
Congrats on your personaly achievements! They are all such great rewards to hard work! :) Keep it up!
Great workouts this week!! You are going to be so strong by the time you HIM training starts!
I love time off! You get to do all these random things.... like a pushup challenge. You are doing great!
Thanks for stopping by my blog too!!
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading more about your training!
Thanks, Colleen. Personal records are amazing. Too bad they always happen when you least expect it.
Kelly, I sure hope to be!
Thanks, Ulyana!
Well, sure thing, Teacherwoman! Likewise...
Way to go! Plans are always the best and keep me on track.
Yes, I broke the 8-minute barrier last week for the first time in a long time and know what a great feeling that is. Congrats and also on your swim and bike breakthroughs!
And as your bike handling skills improve, you will be able to ride in stronger winds. The trick is to get low and lean into the wind to avoid getting blown over or sideways as much. Best practiced with few cars around :-)
L!! I am so happy about that run, way to own that 7:40... keep it up chica, then when you start your training plan it will be like nothing!!
Everything looks great, L!!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Well done on the times! Awesome.
And I agree - I need a program otherwise I come up with every excuse imaginable!
Good job with the PRs! And I like your bike... I road-tested it when I was looking to buy one last June.
7:40?!?! That's amazing!
I hear ya about the schedule part - I need one too, of I find I give myself WAAAAY too many excuses. Good for you for sticking it out!
Great job on 7:40's! A schedule is KEY for me too. I live and die by it. It works so stick with the plan. It'll pay dividends as you move forward!
Good job with the workouts and staying motivated! Its the workouts you do when things are uncomfortable that will help you on race day when you start doubting yourself in mile 6 of the HIM run. Win these battles early on, and it becomes a habit.
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