For me, the tragedy of a rest day exists not in not taking it but in taking it.
Unfortunately, I'm either on or off. When I get into a training groove, I rock it - for days. When I have to take my rest day (which IS, of course, absolutely critical), it's quite difficult to get back into my training.
First night: Legitimate rest day.
Second night: I really need a night to catch up on housework.
Third night: Gary's leaving for a couple days in the morning and I need to make sure he's got all he needs.
Fourth night: Gary's out of town tonight, so I'm just going to veg with the dogs on the couch.
RIDICULOUS...but that's how it goes. It is, though, not how it should be. I just need to find a nice place in the middle...
But, tonight, the middle's going to be on the couch between the Great Dane and the Yellow Lab.