Mission accomplished.
Back at the scene of that life-changing day one year later, the distances were the same, but some things were different. From the yawning sun's color shimmering on the little waves along the lake, to the confidence that energized my soul, this was a day that would affirm that I don't just compete in triathlons, but that being a triathlete is just who I am.
Now, out with my cheesy melodrama and on with the stats.
Last year I came in 207/217 overall, 40/42 in my age group and finished the .25-mile swim, 12-mile bike and 2-mile run in 1 hour and 57 minutes. The swim took me 27 minutes, the bike 1 hour and the run 24 minutes.
This year I came in 166/396 overall, 28/61 in my age group and finished in 1 hour and 25 minutes. The swim took me 15 minutes, the bike 45 minutes and the run 21 minutes.

My swim and bike times were pretty much dead-on with what I'd expected, but my run was disappointing. I can easily drop below a 9-minute mile on a 2-mile run, so I remain completely perplexed by what happened. However, my overall goal was to come in under 1 hour and 30 minutes and I did.
So, when you look at the overall times from last year to this year, approximately, I took 25 percent off my time. What an incredible PR for me and what a confidence booster as I continue on with my half-ironman training.
Wait. I'm doing a half-ironman? Uh, gotta go!
You have improved so much!!! Great job. You should be so proud of yourself. Huge PR.
way to go!!!!
Congrats!!! It's just going to keep getting better, I'm sure!
You are so awesome, I love reading your progress. Congratulations Lora!!
Just awesome!!! Celebrating with you...keep up the great work! :)
Not crap, YAY, that rocks! You have to be pleased. It's all about what it has done for you. Congratulations.
Your a ROCK STAR!!
HUGE improvements -- CONGRATS!!
It often takes me 2 miles to find my running legs in a tri, which is one of many reasons why I stay away from sprints :-)
great job on the race! ... what a difference a year makes. when is your half??
Congrats, that's an amazing improvement!! You should be very proud of yourself!! Looking forward to following you through your half training too :D
Awesome job, that's a hell of an improvement; you should be so proud of your self!
Progression is coming along well. The hard work DOES pay off!!
Wahoo! Congratulations! Most definitely a confidence booster for Half Ironman training!
great job in the tri, you made huge improvements over last year. Keep up the training
Lora- You are such an inspiration to me!!! Way to go!! Christine
WOW! You are truly amazing!!!! EXCELLENT JOB! That's really incredible improvement, and very fast one at that. Isn't it great when all this hard work pays off?????
Lora, you did awesome! Huge improvements! You should be very proud of yourself! :)
Congrats on your impressive improvement! You should be so proud of all that you have accomplished. You are on your way for your half IM!
Hey girl you have done more than me!! You did great and you WILL do great on HIM!! I know it!!
half ironman training yippppe! i'm on the brink of booking my first 70.3 --> be great to read your journey along the way!
brilliant work on the PBs! i'm on the brink of registering for my first 70.3 also --> eeeek! will be great to follow your training along the way :)
What an improvement! That is awesome! Can't wait to see how you do in that half-ironman!! Great job!
I finished my first triathlon in June 2008 too. It was a changing- life experience!
It was unbelievable to cross the finish line. Now i'm thinking about an half-ironman but there is a word that worry me: workout, workout, workout!!!
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