Accepting my statement that I, indeed, was tired but still puzzled by why I didn’t just churn out another 150 and call it even, he asked in all seriousness, “Why didn’t you just swim 1 mile?”
After laughing at how silly I must’ve sounded, I told him that I was in Week 3 of Week 6 of a Swim One Mile in Six Weeks plan and it just had me swimming 1,500 yards this week.
“Oh, okay,” he said, assuming I was practicing some super-secret triathlon training method and must know about what I was talking. “Really great job!” he enthusiastically congratulated me.
Here’s a little background. When I started swimming in December of 2007 by taking swim lessons at the Y, I couldn’t even put my face in water. My first trip toward the other end of the pool was doing that swim where you keep your head out of water, turn it with every stroke and splash like the dickens. Oh, and after the first lesson, I went out and bought noseplugs.
Toward the end of my 6-week lessons, I could not quite swim 100 yards. During my first tri last Jun
Today, still swimming TI, I can swim 400 yards in around 11 minutes and 900 yards has recently taken me about 25 minutes. Oh, and, I’ve recently given up the noseplugs.
If you would have told me a couple years ago that I would be swimming one mile – without noseplugs – someday, I would have told you that you must be looking into the wrong crystal ball.
I wasn’t just a beginner swimmer. I was a beginner’s beginner. I came from absolutely nothing! So, the fact that I just swam “150 yards shy of one mile” is something I just needed to take the time to celebrate.
Thanks so much for stopping by!